CVG Show 2025 Closing Lecture : 6:00 PM Friday, February 28, 2025

Guest Lecture with Rick Mahaffey

Rick Mahaffey

Rick Mahaffey has taught College/University level ceramics in the Northwest since 1975 until his retirement in 2023. The last 31 years at Tacoma Community College. He was one of the four founders of the International Society for Ceramic Art Education and Exchange which is based in Tokyo.

Rick Mahaffey holds a Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in Ceramics and Glassblowing from San Jose State University, and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Puget Sound. He also has an Honorary Degree from the International Academy of Ceramics.

Rick has lived in Japan and has taken students to conferences in seven different countries. He has lectured and presented workshops in China, Japan, Turkey, Korea, England, Kenya, and Mexico. His work is in museums and private collection in the countries on four continents.

Rick has been a member and president of the Washington Potter’s Association and the Northwest Designer Craftsmen organizations. He has also been a member of the Association of California Potters and Glass Artists.

He has been a active potter since 1969. Rick’s work most recently has focused on wood fired vessels, firing in Anagama and Train kilns including Ken Lundemo’s Three Dragons Kiln in Seabeck. Rick has joined the group firing Ken’s kiln at least 45-50 times. Rick’s first experience with wood fired kilns and pots was in 1971. The primary interest is in Yakishime (pots that are unglazed when put into the kiln) and Shino glazes like those in the Momoyama era. The Japanese Wabi Sabi concept that emanates from the so called Wabi Tea first espoused by Tea Master Sen No Rikyu has been an underlying concept that Rick tries to be conscious as he works on the potter’s wheel.

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